Saturday, June 25, 2016

Three more days!

Not counting today, of course. And today is more than half over. I am so tired of staying in this room all the time. Most of the time. It's funny, a friend used to feel bad that I was stuck in the last room all the time, called it a cell, or a dungeon, or some such. Yet, that one was pleasant and comfortable and if I grew tired of being inside I had only to go for a walk in a lovely neighborhood. Here, I can go for a walk, but the neighborhood is anything but lovely. Flat, industrial, busy streets with little to enjoy. But -- only three more days. I just wish I had a good book, or better TV.

My doctor appointment proved that I have gained about 5 pounds during this last month or so of stress/binge eating. I'm only surprised it's not more. But it ends now. After one last indulgent individual cake today, I poured the rest of the sugar down the drain and washed it away. The good news is that my lab results were all positive and healthy -- despite the last month! I will rid myself of the excess fat easily enough, soon enough.

My home for next week
Looking forward to Napa more every day. Making mental lists of wines and other things to buy while I'm there. Thinking fondly of time to be spent on the expansive decks in the mornings and afternoons, with coffee and wine and whatever. Nothing like watching the hot air balloons wafting below over the valley in the morning light, or watching the sun set over the Mayacamas in the evening. Do I sound homesick? I guess I am.

I still don't know if I'll be traveling alone, although I expect that will be the case and am moving forward with plans for same.

So the countdown continues. Three more days. It sounds wonderful.

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