Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Aches and pains

Hi, y'all. Is anybody really out there?  I've been fine, just nothing to write about, and living in a state of mild depression over the state of the country and world. No biggie.

Had a minor crash with my bike on Sunday, due to too many people/bikes on the bike path. I love/hate that path, really. Love it when it flows, hate it when there are too many people out there. No real harm to me or the bike, though neither is totally unscathed. No broken bones! Lots of bruises, and my right elbow is not happy, but improving. Broken reflector on bike handlebar, and maybe some other issues, but we both rode home successfully.

Then yesterday (Monday) I went ahead with a planned hike in the hills -- first time I've hiked since late May, when we went up Spencer's Butte. Things have been weird with my heart since then -- meds weren't controlling the irregular heartbeats and palpitations that have been part of my life for decades, and (though I didn't mention it at the time) when I got to the top of Spencer's I had an 'episode' of lightheadedness and other things that relate to the heart. Long story short, I saw my doc a couple of times who wasn't very helpful, but second time I demanded a specialist, saw him a few weeks ago, had an echocardiogram a couple of weeks ago, and results came back normal. Quite good, really. Heart/valves all functioning normally, top score. In the meantime, I wasn't comfortable hiking up hills any longer, afraid something had changed. It hasn't, so I feel free to hike again. What's causing the extra palpitations? Haven't a clue. But nobody seems worried.

We had a great hike in a familiar place, though we took the loop in a different direction this time and found that it's much harder. Seemed longer and steeper uphill. But lovely as always, and we survived. It was good to be in the woods again.

Today, being the second day after the crash, my body is at peak achiness, as always happens [with me, anyway] the second day after any muscle stresses. Fortunately, my legs are strong and used to walking/cycling, so no aches from the hike. And it'll all pass.

Hope all out there are well.

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