Wednesday, June 17, 2020

She lives!

Hi, y'all. Yes, I'm still here. It was a miserable few weeks, and today is the first day I've felt fully 'me'. Energy again!

Problem seems to be that the amount of thyroid meds I was taking was suddenly more than my body needed. And I figured it out for myself, with the help of Dr. Google, after I got my blood test results and saw the thyroid number.

This has happened before, but never to this extent and with so many symptoms. And oddly, I somehow rarely realize what's going on until I see blood test results. My doctor, of course, thought everything was OK. Bless him.

Regardless, I started halving my dosage about 5 days ago, and the results were clear. Gradual, but clear. All the symptoms slowly disappeared and today I was out walking again, finally. Back to whatever passes for normal.

Be well, everyone.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Life goes on

On the off chance that anybody out there is wondering, I am alive and mostly well.  Been a little off my feed since that hike though I was starting to feel puny before that, so I don't think it caused any ill effects other than a couple of days of fatigue.

Life goes on, but there hasn't been much to write about. I look forward to getting back to normal soon and resuming my hiking/biking. Right now, I have trouble facing a walk around the building. Yes, I saw my doc and no, he wasn't much help.

Hang in there, and stay safe.