Friday, September 11, 2020

Pork carnitas on the horizon

 Still here! Situation hasn't changed over the last day or so, which is good news. Fires are still raging further north and other places in the state. 'Ours' is still raging, but winds are no longer blowing it in this direction, or any direction as best I can tell from the fire maps. The firefighters are doing a great job in holding it, with a little help from the weather gods.

Temps cooling off, what little wind there is has switched to blowing from the Pacific, and will eventually push all this smoke back east. There's a nice little storm due in on Monday, which with any luck will not only wash most of this smoke away, but help douse the flames. Monday seems a long way off.

On the positive side -- ground another bunch of spices in the mocajete this morning, and this time tried something different. This thing is fairly new to me, so I've been trying to figure out the best way to use it. As you might imagine, putting it on the counter and pounding to break up seeds makes far too much noise when one has neighbors and thin walls. I've tried holding it while I pound, but it's heavy and that got old, fast. Today I sat in a comfy chair and put it on my lap, and that worked great. I could pound away and make basically no noise. Then I could take my time and grind it into a powder, for the most part. And then -- put it on a couple pieces of carnitas-labeled pork shoulder to marinate until tomorrow morning. I can't wait! Saturday seems to have morphed into a day when I don't worry about calories or anything else, just be sure I don't eat too many carbs. And this stuff fits right in with such a day because I can't stop eating it.

Something to look forward to.

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