Thursday, July 23, 2020

Action out the window!

So -- after a nice 12 mile early morning bike ride, lunch, baking some cookies [Keto!], I was peacefully sitting at my computer when I heard an unfamiliar, loud and authoritative voice out in the parking lot. Finally, I looked out and saw a cop car, and a cop talking to a driver of an unfamiliar vehicle. Some back and forth, finally telling the guy to put both his hands out the window.  In short order, another cop pulled up, followed in another short order by two more.

Once cop # 2 arrived, they asked the guy to get out of the car. All professionally, and nicely. I like our Eugene cops.

Peacefully cuffed and arrested. Eventually cuffed to front of cop car, then eventually put into the car after some conversation.  Then the cops took everything out of the car and searched it. Don't know what they found, but I heard snatches like 'a lot of it', 'worth about $350' and once, 'marijuana'. Stuff is legal here, so wouldn't think there'd still be a big marked for it on the illegal side. But what do I know!?

A neighbor out on the sidewalk [not the one in the photo] who is braver than I asked them what was going on, and joked with them about adding a little excitement to our lives. He just said the guy 'needed to go to jail for some things'. No clue how they found him here -- had to be following him for some reason, 'cause this parking lot is not on the main drag. I presume they'll tow his car away eventually. That spot belongs to someone -- ironically, another black SUV.

Anyway -- a bit of excitement here for awhile, which is sometimes nice, to break the monotony.

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