Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stuff and Nonsense

Took my baby for her first visit to the vet this morning.  I don't have a carrier yet, so I wasn't sure what to expect of her in the car, but she sat in my lap and stayed calm both directions.  No problems whatsoever.  We were at the vet's for over an hour -- she saw small dogs, a Great Dane, a bird, and none of them bothered her until she saw another cat -- hiss!  She was SO good through it all, including the doc probing in dark places, putting stuff up her nose and more stuff down her throat.  I swear, this is the best all around kitten I have ever owned, and I've had a lot of them in my life.  I also broke down and had the doc put some flea stuff on her, because they were multiplying faster than I could wash them off her.  She has bloodworms -- so will need to be wormed at all of the next three visits for shots.

It's gonna be a hot one today!  Forecast for 100.  Driving home I heard a fella call into the local radio station and say that it was so hot the devil had just stopped in and asked for a glass of ice water.  I don't plan to do much more -- gonna stay inside and stay cool.

I scanned this photo this morning to send to Ken and his wife.  This was Ken with his dad, Ken Sr., about 1959.  He was sitting on top of a hand-crank ice cream machine while Big Ken cranked away.  I've always loved this photo, and had to share it.

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