Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kitten Watch

The Brat really loves looking out the front window.  I prefer privacy at night.   This is her solution.  Clever little brat!  She'll sit here for a good while in case another cat invades her property or, whatever it is she's watching out there.

This morning my backyard doesn't look a whole lot different than it did a few days ago, other than the big bare spot where my car sat. The snow isn't as thick, of course. 

It's a good morning for hot chocolate but alas, no sugar in this diet.  The house walls seem to be just sucking up the heat that comes from the heater.  It doesn't go out the ceiling, based on observation in two snow storms of how long the snow stays on my roof.  That's a good thing.  I really need to get these walls insulated, but it won't  happen this winter.

I have a feeling this is going to be a lazy day, other than a trip to Rockmart for food, maybe get my car washed (all that salt needs to come off).  It's been a stressful week, between driving on icy roads and my boss, who creates significant amounts of stress when he wants to, and lately he's wanted to a lot.  We can always tell when something in his life is upsetting him, because it filters down to us.  Not fun. But, I don't have to go back until Tuesday, then Thursday I will run an errand for him in Atlanta then visit the State Archives in the same neighborhood, with pay, so I'll only have two days in the office.  I need it!

We really do have a warming trend coming up -- anything above freezing is lovely.  Yesterday, sunshine and 51 degrees after a 10-degree morning.  About the same today, but not quite so cold this morning.

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