So. I'm on the cusp of making a really big life decision. It's a decision that will bring major changes, including giving up most material possessions and foregoing entertainment. I can still keep my car, personal necessities, income, can use some kitchen stuff but not others.
I bring this up without further information because it's been really fascinating to watch my mind as I've been mulling this over, watching where resistances come in. Resistance to giving things up. I already knew I could deal with the big stuff, or I wouldn't even be contemplating the change. But I've had a giggle or two about some of the small stuff.
Like, my really nice burr coffee grinder. Probably too noisy to take with me. And my beloved heavy-duty KitchenAid mixer. Could take it, but not sure if it would be at all useful. That's actually where the resistance comes up the worst. That mixer. What do I do, give it to Goodwill? Doing that would certainly be good for me, in terms of learning to let go of material things that aren't useful. But I'd hate it. Fight it.
Giving up watching college football is also something I'm struggling with. I can/will do it, of course, but I haven't missed an Oregon game in years, and don't look forward to starting this year. I can always follow the news and know how they're doing, of course, but not the same as watching. I especially get a giggle over this resistance. The strength of it.
Everything else is just stuff. Most of it came from Goodwill anyway.
No real decision will be made for a couple of months, or maybe more, as I sit with this and mull it over every possible way. Sorry to leave you in limbo until then. 😼
Where to go from here?
8 years ago